– 75018 PARIS – FRANCE
General contact:
/ +33 1 43 55 85 87
Contact for members & site orders:
/ +33 1 43 55 85 87
Rights management:
Claire Boudier / +33 1 43 55 96 86
Press contact, booksellers, trade fairs & festivals:
Isabelle Charmette / +33 1 43 55 96 48
Contact foreign rights:
Tiphaine Le Roux / Agence Rouz French Comics
Diffusion/distribution :
France & Belgium : BLDD · Swiss : Avec plaisir (diffusion), Servidis (distribution) · Canada : Dimedia
Sending projects to the editorial committee:
Attention : Please send only projects whose format and spirit conform to our bibliography. We will only respond to those. All files must not exceed 8 MB. Links to a visibility on a website are accepted, but not links to direct downloads.